Sunday Worship 11:00 AM | Royalton, VT

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The membership of this church shall consist of those who have placed their faith and trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation and have been baptized according to the teaching of the New Testament, which is water immersion of the believer as a visible testimony of their faith.

We view membership as a covenant. The covenant has three parts in our church.

Covenant with God

The new covenant is fullfilled in Jesus Christ who is the true son of Abraham, the true Son of God, the true Israel, and the true David. The new covenant promise of forgiveness of one's sins is fulfilled in Jesus himself, and thus he pours out his Spirit on his people so that they are enabled to do God’s will. To be in covenant with God, one must have faith in Jesus Christ and his atoning work on the cross for our sins and his resurrection from the dead to give us a newness of life. Along with regeneration by the power of the Holy Spirit and a profession of faith, Christians are baptized (in our context by immersion after conversion), Christians celebrate the Lord's Supper as a body of believers once a month in our gatherings, Christians submit to God's Word in all aspects of life and doctrine, Christians defend Biblical Doctrine and fidelity to Scripture, Christians live as witnesses in the world and worship God privately, with one's family and with the corporate body of believers that consider themselves Cornerstone Church.

Covenant with Each Other

The new covenant we as believers have with God makes possible our ability to covenant with each other. We do not sign a contract but we purposefully promise to live lives for the benefit of each other as a body of believers. Christians at Cornerstone Church love one another, pray for one another, build up one another, bear burdens for one another, are on mission with one another, regularly gather with one another, contribute to the needs of one another, proclaim the gospel to one another, and evangelize with one another.

Covenant with Leaders

The new covenant we as believers and with each other needs leadership and we submit to godly leadership entrusted to the care of our souls. 

Our leaders who are also members, will proclaim the gospel, conduct baptism, lead communion, teach God's word faithfully, defend doctrine, shepherd our souls to Christ, and exercise oversight as they lead our church in the ways we sense God is leading us as a body of believers.

Our members will submit to our leaders according to the Scriptures, respond to our leader's admonitions, take communion and celebrate baptisms regularly, pray for our leaders and respond to the calls for discipleship in worship, service, stewardship and witness.

If you are interested in membership at Cornerstone Church, please reach out to us as we would love to talk to you about our membership process at